1896 - The Raines Law is passed by the New York State Legislature, restricting Sunday sale of alcohol to bhotels/b. 1901 - Dame Nellie Melba, reveals secret of her now famous toast 1903 - Wright brothers obtain airplane patent b..../b 1658 - Valentin bDretzel/b, composer, dies at 79 1669 - Philipp Buchner, composer, dies at 54 1680 - Nicolas Fouquet, French statesman (b. 1615) 1742 - Jean-Baptiste Dubos, French writer (b. 1670) 1747 - Claude Alexandre de Bonneval, French soldier ...
lynn bdretzel/b, a 911 dispatcher, testified monday at jeff dennis' homicide trial in carli's death. she said carli made the statement while the two took a break together one day in 2005. testimony is continuing.
for though i know my heart?s condition, i also know my savior?s voice. my heart is glad, all grief has flown. since i am saved by grace alone. hymn # 351 from lutheran worship author: korneluis heinrich bdretzel/b ...